International Circle for Biological Implantology (ICBI)
A foundation supporting and promoting scientific activities in the field of biological dentistry
A foundation under Swiss law
Originally registered as „Ceramics and Biological Dentistry Foundation (CBDF)“ by Dr. Karl Ulrich Volz and Nicole Volz
Foundation Headquarters:
ICBI International Circle for Biological Implantology c/o The Circle GmbH
The Circle 6
CH-8058 Zürich
Contact Details:
Etyene Schnurr
Tel: +41 71 556 3698
President of the Foundation Board:
Dr. Karl Ulrich Volz
Member of the Foundation Board:
Michael Thomas Bellert
Dr. Shahram Michael Ghanaati
Trewitax Kreuzlingen AG
Editorial and Journalistic Responsibility:
Etyene Schnurr
Commercial Register Entry:
Registered with the Commercial Register of the Canton of Thurgau
Company Number: CH-411.792.637
VAT Number: CHE-109.598.254